QWill I need to wear glasses or bifocals once my eyes have healed?

Most patients who have LASIK do not need to wear glasses for their daily activities. However, patients may need to wear reading glasses if they are over the age of 40. This is caused by the normal aging of the eye known as presbyopia. This condition occurs with or without LASIK. Some patients may need a minimal prescription for some activities. Those patients who currently have bifocals will still need reading glasses after the surgery unless they opt for a treatment plan called monovision, wherein one eye is corrected for distance and the other for near vision.

QAfter LASIK, how will my vision be at night or in low light?

Most patients do not notice a change; however some patients will notice glare, halos or starburst around objects in dim or low-light conditions. For the vast majority, these symptoms are temporary. However, others will continue to experience them for several months or longer. Although these symptoms do not necessarily interfere with visual acuity as it is measured by an eye chart, for some patients, the experience can interfere with their activities.

QWill my eyes be dry after LASIK?

Some patients who seek LASIK have underlying dry eye syndrome that has not been diagnosed. There appears to be a correlation between preoperative dry eye syndrome and developing more pronounced dry eye symptoms post operatively. Therefore, many doctors test for dry eye prior to making a decision regarding eligibility.

QAre the results achieved from LASIK permanent?

LASIK is a surgical procedure that permanently removes corneal tissue to reshape the eye in order to improve refraction. The physical results are permanent. However, you should be aware that since the eyes can still change with time, and LASIK does not affect a number of visual conditions associated with age. For example, LASIK does not prevent presbyopia or affect this condition once it does occur.

QIf I have LASIK and my vision changes later in life, can it be redone?

Depending on the cause, retreatment may be a viable solution to vision changes later in life, and other treatment options exist. You would need to see your ophthalmologist to determine the cause of the change and to determine which option is best for you.

QDoes the LASIK procedure hurt?

Patients are given a topical anesthetic (eye drops) to numb the eye, so they experience no pain during the procedure. When the surgeon applies the vacuum ring, the patient experiences a sensation of pressure just before his or her vision fades for a few seconds. The microkeratome (the instrument the surgeon uses to create the flap) and the laser do not cause any pain or discomfort. For several hours after the procedure, many patients describe a mild burning sensation, such as after opening the eyes while swimming in chlorinated water. Therefore, taking a nap for the first 2 to 3 hours after LASIK is encouraged. After the first few hours, this uncomfortable feeling usually subsides.

QWhat kind of anesthetic is used for LASIK?

The procedure is done with topical anesthetic (eye drops) to numb the eye. Patients may be given a small amount of oral sedative to help them relax.

QHow safe is the LASIK procedure?

It depends on your occupation. Certain jobs that require intense clarity of vision (dentistry and surgery, for example) may be difficult to perform for one or two days. Most patients can return to work the next day, assuming their vision is adequate for their job. However, some people may feel fatigued for a day or so following surgery.

院長白佳欣 博士

  • 高雄醫科大學醫學博士 【1997年】
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副院長高清韻 醫師

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楊意堅 主任醫師

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曾崇彥 主任醫師

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  • 白醫師接受週刊專訪
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